9,834 currencies
794 exchanges
Market Cap:
Altcoins: $35.21B
Dominance: BTC
56.7% | ETH
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Crypto Wallets Screener
Welcome to the world of advanced security for your cryptocurrency assets! Our unique cryptocurrency wallet screener gives you the ability to receive instant notifications in your Telegram bot for any transactions occurring on the wallets actively monitored by you.
Receive instant notifications for all fund movements, allowing prompt reaction to any suspicious activities.
Customize the screener according to your preferences, choosing specific wallets for monitoring.
Easily configure and use the screener, even if you are new to the cryptocurrency world.

Crypto Wallets Screener Settings

Enhance the security of your assets by configuring our Cryptocurrency Wallet Screener, which continually scans the added cryptocurrency wallets. Here's your step-by-step guide:
Regular Wallet Scanning
Our unique screener constantly scans the added cryptocurrency wallets, ensuring continuous monitoring of your assets.
Launch on Telegram
Open the bot on Telegram and activate the screener to instantly receive notifications about activities on your cryptocurrency wallets in real-time.
Link to Telegram ID
In your profile settings on our website, add your Telegram ID, providing the bot with the necessary information for personalized interaction.
Instant Activation
Easily activate the screener on the settings page with just one click to start monitoring your cryptocurrency wallets.
Specify Wallets for Tracking
Specify the list of cryptocurrency wallets you want to monitor, ensuring the complete security of your portfolio.
With our Cryptocurrency Wallet Screener, you can be confident in the security of your assets, always keeping your cryptocurrency wallets under control. Craft your strategy with confidence! 🌐💳