9,834 currencies
794 exchanges
Market Cap:
Altcoins: $35.21B
Dominance: BTC
56.7% | ETH
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Open Interest Screener
Welcome to the future of financial analysis! Introducing our cutting-edge cryptocurrency screener with the capability to send an alerts to your Telegram bot. This tool not only provides in-depth analysis of changes in open interest but also empowers you to react swiftly to key events in the cryptocurrency world.
Tailor the screener to your needs and investment strategies for maximum effectiveness.
Telegram Alert
Be the first to receive instant notifications about significant changes in open interest.
Choose the time interval for open interest analysis, precisely aligning with your investment objectives.

Open Interest Screener Settings

Ready to squeeze the most out of every trade? Let's configure our cutting-edge Open Interest Screener for meticulous monitoring of all trading pairs across major exchanges. Here's your action plan:
Comprehensive Pair Analysis
Our unique screener conducts minute-by-minute analysis of all trading pairs on major exchanges, ensuring you comprehensive insights into open interest.
Launch on Telegram
Activate the screener on Telegram to instantly receive notifications about changes in open interest in real-time.
Link to Telegram ID
In your profile settings on our website, specify your Telegram ID, providing the bot with all necessary information for personalized interaction.
Instant Activation
Activate the screener on the settings page with just one click to start receiving key signals about changes in open interest.
Flexible Parameter Configuration
Define parameters for open interest changes and the period of change that align with your trading strategies.
With our Open Interest Screener, your trading will become more predictable. Establish your own rules of the game and achieve maximum efficiency in every trade! 📊💹