9,834 currencies
794 exchanges
Market Cap:
Altcoins: $35.21B
Dominance: BTC
56.7% | ETH
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Price Screener Bot
Welcome to our advanced cryptocurrency screener with Telegram notification capabilities. This tool allows you to customize signals based on price changes and receive personalized alerts, ensuring you stay informed about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market.
Customize the screener according to your preferences and investment strategies.
Telegram Alert
Receive instant notifications in your Telegram about significant price changes.
Choose the timeframe for monitoring prices, from 1 minute to 2 hours.

Price Screener Settings

Ready to elevate your trading experience? Customize our advanced Price Change Screener for highly effective monitoring across the entire cryptocurrency market. Here's your step-by-step guide:
Comprehensive Pair Analysis
Our unique screener analyzes all trading pairs across major exchanges, ensuring you a comprehensive overview of price changes.
Launch on Telegram
Open the bot on Telegram and activate the screener - your personal assistant for instant responses to evolving market trends.
Link Your Telegram ID
In your profile settings on our website, add your Telegram ID, providing the bot with essential information for personalized interactions.
Instant Activation
Activate the screener on the settings page with just one click to start receiving key signals in real-time.
Flexible Configuration
Specify price change parameters and the period of change, perfectly aligning with your trading strategy.
With our Price Change Screener, you'll be the first to possess crucial information, ready to make instantaneous decisions in a rapidly evolving market. Immerse yourself in the world of professional trading now and carve out your path to a successful future! 📈💹