9,834 currencies
794 exchanges
Market Cap:
Altcoins: $35.21B
Dominance: BTC
56.7% | ETH
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Our Data Providers
Our project provides a wide range of cryptocurrency data, ensuring reliable and up-to-date information for traders, investors, and analysts. We strive to offer users all the necessary information to make informed decisions in the digital asset market. A crucial component of this success is our trusted data providers. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need for effective management of your digital assets.
Our cryptocurrency screeners fetch data directly from the world's largest exchanges and instantly transmit it to your Telegram bot. Join our cryptocurrency screeners project and gain a tool that reacts instantly to market changes, providing you with an advantage in the world of cryptocurrency investments. Manage your portfolio with ease. Receive exclusive signals directly to your Telegram and navigate through market uncertainties with confidence. Your success is in your hands!

Live data and instant signals

Welcome to the world of our innovative cryptocurrency screeners project, featuring automated signals directly sourced from the world's largest exchanges and instantly relayed to your Telegram bot.
Leading Data Providers
We collaborate with leading cryptocurrency data providers, ensuring high accuracy and real-time information crucial for successful trading and investing.
Integration with Popular Exchanges
We have access to data from popular cryptocurrency exchanges, providing full market coverage and offering our users valuable insights to make informed decisions.
Precise Filtering for Personalization
Our screeners allow flexible customization of filters to adapt to your strategies and interests. Focus on the most significant assets and trends with tailored precision.
Real-Time Updates
The project promptly updates data, delivering fresh and up-to-date information for well-considered investment decisions.
Data Visualization and Interpretation
We offer intuitive graphics for data visualization and clear signal interpretations. This enables you to better understand the current market situation.